Monday, September 15, 2008

Te Manu Aute

I have recently been on a music teachers retreat to Motutapu island and while there was privaledged to sit in on workshops taken by Mark Dashper an expert on Maori instruments. He is employed by team soultions Faculty of Education The University of Auckland.
He heads up a new initiative for enhancing the education of Gifted and Talented (GATE)in Northland. The collaborative media approach (Web 2.0) to education is, in my opinion, quite revolutionary and well worth checking out. You can gain access to this site by using the below
username: tmuser
Password: tmpass

A related site is also this one

You can gain access to the presetnations on this site by using the below
username: temporary
Password: exciting

I will also make these links available on the side bar of this blog.

Recent work at school

Hey there everyone.
We have been having a great time in music at the school.
The Y5-8 students have been working on creating soundscapes and atmospheric music as well as graphic scores. There have been some creative and varied compositions put forth by the students. A note to students - don't forget to check out the graphic scores link on the side bar of this blog.
The juniors have been discovering different ways to play percussion instruments and have also been working on graphic scores as a means to compose music of their own. These students are always surprisingly creative in their approaches and also have loads of enthusiasm for the tasks set.
I will be posting some of the students' work in due time.