Saturday, August 20, 2011

Goodnight Kiwi

Here's the TVNZ Goodnight Kiwi cartoon.

Hine e Hine

Hi all Here is a video of this old maori classic. It was the closing song of TVNZ back when TV shut down at midnight. This is an example of live teaching during lunchtime with the ukulele orchestra at Balmoral School. The kids are really keen and have a lot of fun. Hope you all enjoy it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Year 4 Waiata Term two 2011

Welcome back everyone! We have started the year off with a wide variety of acitivities and everyone is haveing fun.

This term the year 4 children are learning a few waiata. Here are a couple of links for children to continue to learn the actions and sing along with. We have been having loads of fun learning these songs in year 4 and the children are picking up the actions really quickly.

When we are up to performance level I will post a video of classes doing some of these songs.

Today we also had a lot of fun dancing to the Jump Jam videos. We did three songs - The Men In Black, Umqombothi, and Star Wars. Jump Jam is an excellent resource both for fitness sake and as an exciting way to learn to move to music and to increase rhythmic awareness. Any dancing is great for these things in fact and I encoruage children to do this kind of activity often.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Intermediate Battle of the bands

The Balmoral School rock band Blood Earth competed in the Intermediate Battle of the bands competition at Wesley Intermediate rececently.
They were up agaist some great acts.
Here is what the judges had to say about their performance...

Hi Barry & the Band!

First of all, thanks so much for taking part in this year's Intermediate Schools Battle of the Bands - hopefully you had a great night! It's really important to the competition that it helps young performers grow, so here are some of the comments from the judges…

“I could see you get more and more comfortable as your set went on!”
“Musically solid all round”
“Some of those harmonies really worked”

“Be stronger, have more confidence”
“Think about your stage dynamic – try not to stand still in a line”
“Created a bit of confusion having 4 singers”

Great job! We hope that you enjoyed your Covers gig at the Intermediate Battle 2010 – maybe the start of a great career in music!? 

Some encouraging words and directions there!

If you would like to check out the winners of the heat at Wesly Intermediate - follow the link above. The sound recording doesn't really do them justice but you can see the energy of their stage performance nicely.

If you would like to purchase a DVD of the heat at wesley - follow this link...

Well done to all the kids involved from Blood Earth. Balmoral school is proud of you!

Friday, October 22, 2010

oops we forgot one of our Yookertastics

Here she is.

ukulele group rhearsal term three

At the end of term 3 the Balmoral Yookertastics (the ukulele club) went to the all schools rehearsal. We had a great time and were able to sing and play with hundreds of other kids. This was a great chance to put all our hard practice to work. We are looking forward to the festival at the end of the year. We hope to see as many supporters come along to the main event as possible. There will be lots of great bands playing as well as our over 1400 strong ukulele orchestra.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Term One 2010

Hey everybody,
This year has started off well in the Music Department at Balmoral. We are now finally in our new music suite and things are beginning to take off. There is still a lot of change to happen but we are up and running nicely. Some of the changes will be to boost the technological aspect of music making by installing Macintosh computers in the music classrooms. These will enable the children to explore modern post production music techniques as well as the ability to use the skills acquired in music class within other Mac programs used in the school.
The itinerant programme here at Balmoral is beginning to get back on track after the hold-ups to do with the building of the hall last year. There are four teachers from various providers teaching in the school and they currently teach throughout a major chunk of 4 school days. Lewis Eady's is planning to come and do a promotional concert in the first term. I will also be asking other providers to do the same. It is my goal to promote the itinerant programmes amongst the children so as to provide a beginning point for those that are learning instruments to get involved in school bands and performances.
The music groups have had major interest from students with many trying out for the Rock band and also taking part in the ukulele orchestra and instrumental group. This is a promising sign that music and performance related activities are a big draw card for students and that the cultural life of the school is doing well. There are some talented students this year in the Rock Band and in the Instrumental Group with individuals that are picking up the tunes and songs very quickly. So we look forward to some great performances.

Wishing everyone a great and successful year.